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The majestic 1920s fieldhouse has a gymnasium, a modern fitness center and a large auditorium upstairs. There are two baseball fields, a walking path, tennis and soccer courts, a playground and open field space surrounded by mature shade trees.
Kelvyn Park has many sports leagues throughout the year, an afterschool and preschool program, summer camp, as well as fitness classes.
That's us! We're a group of volunteers who advocate for the park within the community and to the Park District, help with fundraising for park improvements and continue to recruit the next generation of volunteers to hold the torch for decades to come. Find out about volunteering + our monthly meetings.
Meet the Kelvyn Park Advisory
We are dedicated to improving the lives of those in our community. Your contribution today helps us make a difference. Your donations go towards:
© Kelvyn Park PAC 2020
TEXT: 773-424-2081 *4438 W Wrightwood Ave, Hermosa
Done para ayudar a construir nuestro Jardín Natural + Espacio de Juegos
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